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2019 Essay Contest Winners 2019 Essay Contest Winner 2019 Christmas dinner Virginia Johnson donation a painting by her late husband, Norm Johnson Post 3088 led the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Jacksonport On Tuesday May 21st members of our post participated in a VFW Day of service by Raising Straightning and cleaning Civil War Veterans Headstones at Schumacher Cemetery  Selma Gigstead, daughter of John and Elizabeth Gigstead, takes second place in the annual Patriots Pen essay contest sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Her essay won her monetary awards from her sponsor, VFW Post 3088 of Sturgeon Bay, and from the VFW group that incorporates 26 posts I the 8th Congressional District. Joe Knaapen, commander of Post 3088, congratulations Ms Gigstead during the district winter meeting Feb 1 in Green Bay.  Selma Gigstead, daughter of John and Elizabeth Gigstead, takes second place in the annual Patriots Pen essay contest sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Her essay won her monetary awards from her sponsor, VFW Post 3088 of Sturgeon Bay, and from the VFW group that incorporates 26 posts I the 8th Congressional District. Joe Knaapen, commander of Post 3088, congratulations Ms Gigstead during the district winter meeting Feb 1 in Green Bay.